Based in: United States
ExxonMobil is an American multinational oil and gas corporation headquartered in Irving, Texas, and the largest of the world's 'supermajors'.
It is a direct descendant of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil company, and was formed by the merger of Exxon and Mobil.
Fields in Iraq:
Granted by the Ministry of Oil (Baghdad): West Qurna I
In January 2022, the Iraqi cabinet approved the sale of Exxon's stake in the field to the state-owned Basra Oil Company (BOC) at a price of up to $350 million.
Granted by the Kurdistan Regional Government (Erbil): Bashiqa, al-Qush, Arbat East, Betwata, Pirmam, Qara Hanjeer
From the company's website:
In January 2010, ExxonMobil Iraq Limited (EMIL), an affiliate of Exxon Mobil Corporation, signed an agreement with the South Oil Company of the Iraq Ministry of Oil to rehabilitate and redevelop the West Qurna I field in southern Iraq.
The agreement was signed in Baghdad by representatives of the Ministry of Oil and members of the West Qurna I contractor consortium, which includes ExxonMobil as the Lead Contractor with 60 percent interest, the Oil Exploration Company of Iraq with 25 percent interest and Shell West Qurna B.V., a Royal Dutch Shell affiliate with 15 percent interest.
ExxonMobil Iraq Limited as Lead Contractor will work to rehabilitate and redevelop the West Qurna I field. ExxonMobil leads the industry in development and production technologies and capabilities, and will apply its worldwide expertise to ensure the success of this project.
In Iraq, as in all the places we work, ExxonMobil is dedicated to providing for the safety of our operations for our employees, contractors and communities where we operate. We recognize that our employees are our most valuable asset, and invest in their safety, health, training and development.
As a result of the company's contracts with the KRG, the Iraqi Ministry of Oil excluded ExxonMobil from its fourth licensing round, held in May 2012.
For latest news on this company's activities in Iraq please click here.
A full list of International Oil Companies (IOCs) operating in Iraq under licences granted by the Ministry of Oil in Baghdad can be found here.